How Much Exercise Do you Need?


Understanding exercise requirement


  • The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity throughout the week. This could be 30 minutes of activity on most days.
  • Additionally, incorporating muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups on two or more days a week is beneficial.

Children and adolescents

  • Guidelines suggest that children and adolescents should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.
  • This includes activities that strengthen muscles and bones, such as running, jumping, or sports.

Older Adults

  • For older adults, including those with chronic conditions, it's essential to engage in physical activity regularly, tailored to their abilities.
  • Balance exercises, aerobic activities, and muscle-strengthening exercises are recommended.         

The health benefits of exercise

Physical Health

  • Regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • It helps in weight management, strengthens bones and muscles, and improves cardiovascular health.

Mental Health

  • Exercise is linked to improved mood, reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. It promotes better sleep quality and enhances cognitive function.

Longevity and quality of life

  • Studies show that individuals who maintain an active lifestyle tend to live longer and have a higher quality of life.
  • Exercise contributes to maintaining independence and mobility as people age.

Tailoring exercise to personal needs

  • It's crucial to remember that the recommended exercise levels can vary based on individual goals, fitness levels, health conditions, and age. What matters most is finding an exercise routine that you enjoy and can sustain over time.

What to eat before during and after exercise?

Before exercise

1. Pre-work out meal (1-2 hours before)

Carbohydrates: Opt for easily digestible carbs like whole grains, fruits, or a slice of toast. Carbs provide energy and help fuel your workout.

Proteins: Including a small amount of protein can aid in muscle repair and maintenance. Examples include yogurt, nuts, or a protein smoothie.

Hydration: Drink water to ensure you're adequately hydrated before starting your workout. 


2. Snack(30 minutes before, if needed)

          If your workout is closer to mealtime, a small snack rich in carbs and a moderate amount of protein can provide additional energy. Examples include a banana with peanut butter or a handful of nuts and dried fruits.

During exercise

1. Hydration: Sip water regularly during your workout to maintain hydration levels. For intense or prolonged exercise, consider sports drinks containing electrolytes to replenish lost minerals.

2. Sustaining energy (for lengthy workouts):For workouts lasting longer than an hour, consuming easily digestible carbs like energy gels, sports drinks, or small snacks can help sustain energy levels.

After Exercise

1. Post-workout meal (within 30 minutes-2 hours)

Proteins: Consuming protein-rich foods helps repair and rebuild muscles. Options include lean meats, eggs, legumes, or protein shakes.

Carbohydrates: Replenishing glycogen stores is vital. Opt for a mix of carbs and protein, such as a smoothie with fruits and protein powder, or a balanced meal with lean protein and whole grains.

Hydration: Rehydrate by drinking water to replace fluids lost during exercise.

2. Recovery Snacks

         If a meal isn't immediately feasible, consuming a snack containing carbs and proteins, like a yogurt parfait or a turkey sandwich, can aid in recovery.

Key considerations

Individual needs: Tailor your intake based on your body's response to different foods and the intensity/duration of your workouts.

Timing: Eating patterns before, during, and after exercise may vary based on personal preferences and the time of day you exercise.

Hydration: Remember to stay adequately hydrated throughout your workout and during the recovery phase.


          Proper nutrition before, during, and after exercise is essential for optimizing performance, aiding in recovery, and supporting overall health. Tailoring your intake based on the type and duration of your workouts, along with your body's response, is key to achieving the best results.



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